Call 714-835-9961!
You Call Us
Call us anytime between 9am and 9pm, seven days per week.
We Answer
A volunteer will answer your call and any of your questions.
You Schedule to Volunteer!
No prior experience is necessary and you are productive your first day in!
Weekly and Monthly Activities
Food Distribution
WESTERN SERVICE WORKERS ASSOCIATION (WSWA) members may apply to the association’s budget-saving Benefit Plan II program and participate in weekly free-of-charge supplemental food distributions featuring fresh organic produce and other nutritional foods. Volunteers are needed year-round to pick up, sort, box and distribute food to enrolled members.
Preventive Medical Benefit
Call for more information
Volunteer physicians and registered nurses conduct preventive general medical sessions, checking vital signs and medical histories, providing routine health screenings and exams, including vision care, assisted by a certified WSWA lay medical advocate. More volunteer medical professionals and advocates are needed!
Legal Advice Benefit
Volunteer attorneys present general legal information in group settings as well as private legal advice consultations, accompanied by a WSWA lay advocate. Topics include wage theft, evictions, discrimination and predatory lending. WSWA needs more volunteer attorneys, legal advocates and interpreters.
Benefit Advocacy
Mondays 6 - 9pm
Wednesdays 9am - 2pmService workers, domestic workers and other low-paid workers can’t win without organization. WSWA teaches the skill of advocacy. You can learn how to prevent utility shutoffs or restore utility service, how to expunge medical debt, and fight benefit denials for elderly, blind or disabled members.
Membership Canvass
Saturdays 9am - 5pm
WSWA membership canvasses are the lifeblood of our grassroots service worker organizing drive. Alone and isolated we cannot achieve anything; united we can win! Volunteers canvass door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods where members and potential members live, to build organization where it’s needed the most.
Publication Session
Sundays 1-5pm
Join WSWA's publication staff! You can learn – or help teach – how to produce the next issue of WSWA's newspaper, the California Service Worker and our seasonal Sponsors Guide to tell the truth about low-income workers organizing for economic justice. We also need volunteers to design flyers. Call WSWA!
Operation Camp Crew
July - September: Call to schedule
Volunteers and WSWA members were invited by migrant workers living on farm labor camps to bring the benefit of organization, community connection and material aid, such as food, clothing, sun protection and cooling supplies to their families. Call WSWA to join us!
Non-Emergency Dental Benefit
Volunteer dentists see members in their offices free of charge to provide non-emergency preventive and corrective care.
Survival English Class
Mondays & Wednesdays 6-9pm
Volunteer teachers lead Survival English Classes that provide WSWA members education from the perspective of being able to communicate to their employers, landlords and others, as well as help build organization to address the cause of our collective problems.
Clothing Distribution
Volunteers assist sorting and organizing clothing, doing benefit intakes and assisting members in filling their clothing requests.
Community Outreach
Fridays 11am - 7pm
Sundays 9am - 2pmVolunteers set up information tables in front of grocery stores, at community events, churches, temples and other venues to promote WSWA so that others can join our cause. WSWA also offers speakers to enlist new friends and participants to come in and make a difference. Please call if you can volunteer or if you can host a WSWA information table and/or speaker.
Mailout Session
Tuesdays 9am - 2pm
Volunteers prepare and send letters about our current campaigns to people who have joined WSWA and have expressed an interest in volunteering or supporting WSWA. We need volunteers to help with the daily letter mailouts as well as to assist with the bulk mailing of WSWA’s membership newspaper and Sponsors Guide.
Phoning Session
Mondays & Wednesdays 6 - 9pm
Volunteers are essential to all of WSWA’s activities year-round. Volunteers conduct group telephone sessions to re-contact interested individuals met on speaking engagements, literature tables, community canvasses and by word-of-mouth referrals about participating with WSWA’s organizing activities 365 days a year.
Interested in Organizer Training?
Our carbon footprint, nearly nil. Our organizing drive’s human impact, huge!
Western Service
Workers Association
1717 N. Bush Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 835-9961
Labor donated