All-volunteer. Self-help.
11-Point Membership Benefit Program
WSWA’s 11-point membership benefit program is built by and for members. It works to meet material needs as expressed by WSWA’s membership council, where any member can have input into the working of their benefit program. In 2015, 193 nations, including the US, adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each of WSWA’s benefits are consistent with one of the goals as represented by the corresponding icon. Click on any SDG icon throughout this page for more information.
Emergency & Supplemental Food
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Nonperishable food items are available for WESTERN SERVICE WORKERS ASSOCIATION (WSWA) members upon request to aid with immediate needs. Members can also enroll in a year-round budget savings program, which includes weekly fresh grocery distributions.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
Non-Emergency Dental Care
Volunteer dentists and other dental professionals donate their services for members. Other volunteers donate transportation, lab work and fill other needs for follow-up. Volunteer dental professionals also provide group presentations on health topics of interest to the members.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Legal Advice
“Know Your Law” sessions conducted by volunteer attorneys present information about legal topics of interest to low-income workers as requested by WSWA members. Legal advice is provided to a requesting member privately in Legal Advice Sessions with a volunteer attorney accompanied by a volunteer lay advocate to assist with the next steps of the attorney’s advice.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
Preventive Medical Care
Volunteer doctors and other medical professionals donate their services to see members for free-of-charge medical check-ups in their offices or presenting medical education and information sessions on medical topics like nutrition.
SDG 4: Quality Education
Survival English Class
Orange County’s Latino population has grown from 15% in 2007 to over 34% of the population in 2024. Survival English Classes teach English from the perspective of being able to to communicate to our employers, landlords and others and help build organization to address the cause of our collective problems.
Clothing of all sizes and seasonal needs is available at your local Benefit Office (call WSWA for hours).
These and other membership benefits are available through request. Call WSWA at (714) 835-9961 and speak to an organizer if you need help and to learn about other ways you can participate and build the benefit program.

Sustainable Organization is Here to Win, Here to Stay with WSWA
Western Service
Workers Association
1717 N. Bush Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706
(714) 835-9961
Labor donated