Here Until Poverty Isn’t!
What is WSWA
WESTERN SERVICE WORKERS ASSOCIATION (WSWA) is a free and voluntary private membership association built by and for our membership of low-income service, domestic, in-home care, part-time and temporary workers since 1976. WSWA is entirely volunteer run, without a dime of government or other “strings attached” funds. WSWA seeks to eradicate the poverty status of this majority segment of the workforce and achieve a means to determine our own collective destiny.
Become A Volunteer
Join WSWA as a volunteer and participate in eliminating the poverty facing hundreds of thousands of low-income workers in Orange County.
Learn More About WSWA
The rich history of WSWA is the culmination of decades of organizing experience. For five decades, WSWA has organized victories in Orange County by and for our membership of low-income workers and their allies.
Join as a Member
Membership is open to anyone who is, has been or may in the future be employed in service work or other types of employment unrecognized by the national labor laws. It is only through the constant efforts of the membership that WSWA will finally be able to end the brutal conditions that confront service workers living in Orange County.
As a new member of WSWA, you are entitled to share in a group of benefits designed by members, for members. There are 11 of them and they address the needs of service workers in Orange County as identified by the workers themselves. The primary purpose of the benefit program is to make it possible for us to organize to eliminate the cause of our problems – poverty – at its root.
Our members work in restaurants, as caregivers for children, the elderly and disabled, as construction workers, as assembly line workers, as warehouse workers, as well as numerous other essential service industry jobs.
Industries Where WSWA Members Work
WSWA members are building positive solutions to poverty conditions, working with…
Small Business
Students and Professors
WSWA Members Demonstrate Labor Solidarity with Students and Professors
While WSWA’s members are by and large not eligible for traditional labor unions and are dedicated to building a new type of organization, WSWA stands in solidarity with organized labor.